Tuesday, May 26, 2020

5 Tips for Making Self-Care a Priority

5 Tips for Making Self-Care a Priority Womens lives are busy, and we often forget about taking care of our needs. We try to be the perfect friend, significant other, or parent and quickly lose sight of our own dreams, goals, and well-being. If you are feeling worn out and stressed, think about some ways you can take care of yourself. Slow Down First, you need to slow down. If you are always rushing to accomplish tasks for work, your kids, or friends â€" you never get a chance to enjoy some quiet time for yourself. Set your alarm a few minutes earlier and sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea before starting your day. Think about what you want to accomplish and set realistic goals, just dont push yourself to do too much. Treat Yourself Its usually easy to save some money so you can  treat yourself to something special. Cut back on your cell phone data plan and use free Wi-Fi. Make sure your HVAC system is in good shape and doesnt need repair or service. You might even want to consider installation of an energy efficient system that can save you money  long term. You could also stop paying for cable television and use a streaming device to save money every month. Meditate Third, take a moment to meditate. As you go throughout your day, you may reach a point of burnout.  Before that happens, take just minute and close your eyes and visualize something you enjoy, maybe your pets, your favorite vacation spot, or your loved ones. Relax and enjoy some deep breathing and give yourself a pep talk. The more you tell yourself “youve got this,” the more you will be able to accomplish. Schedule Sleep Fourth, schedule time to sleep. Dr. Merrill Mitler at the National Institutes of Health is a sleep expert who explains that sleep helps all aspects of the body and influences mood, alertness, and energy balance. Not only do you need to plan the hours you will sleep â€" you need to relax and enjoy quality rest. Most adults need about seven to eight hours, but you can find whats right for you. Discover Yourself Fifth, rediscover yourself. Sometimes, women tend to associate their identity with their surroundings. You might see yourself as a student, a professional businesswoman, a mother â€" although you may fill these roles, YOU are someone special. You deserve to be treated with respect and kindness and spending time on yourself is not selfish its self-care. Love yourself and others around you will also find love and peace. Finally, reduce the stress in your life and find the time and money to pamper yourself. Whether you say NO to working late hours again for your boss or you upgrade your HVAC and appliances to energy efficient and save money, do something special like a mini vacation or buying a new pair of shoes. No one knows you as well as you know yourself â€" BE the best version of YOU.

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